Boring day and the gibberish

This weekend seems too very long and its forcing me back to the old thinking mood.
But what I think today is quite different. I think about "where do all these ideas to think about, come from". And lo! I again have an idea to dwell upon...Had been watching nat geo for many hours now, and all those shows about the universe push me to think "once again" about what all is there to fathom. I am not awed by the immensity of universe and not the kinds who go spiritual about the insignificance of man. I just think one thought, its so large and its so vast. And from a man's stature, it applies to not just to the whole Universe but even to this earth. And the thought comes to me, "Another trip to another place?"Now the mind has acted, I just need to muster enthusiastic men who are ready to accompany me to these new places... Future weekends should not be boring again.
P.S: Watched a show where our ancestors traveled through rivers, oceans and through uncharted territories . Brings to life those vivid images of Sean Courtney of "When the lion kills" and of Tristan in "The legend of the fall", some images seen on silver screen and other seen on the black screen of imagination. And I wonder was I there in those times when man wandered this earth, trying to fathom it, savoring the nature as it were...Guess this is where thoughts come from... from Gibberish


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