Askers vs Believers

The war between question and acceptance has been perpetual. This is just a new chapter where another "asker" tries to hold ground till he can and then go down into history...
Surrounded all around by "believers" trying hard to make me believe too, it becomes a necessity to voice out my logic somewhere. And it is always futile to talk logic to those who believe.
These days I am sharing my small accommodation with a believer who has "experienced God". And I still ask, has he? He believes so, yes.
The argument usually springs from a pamphlet to join so and so course on such and such dates for spiritual healing. Healing!!! But am I ill.
"You are".
"You must believe you are ill and you will be healed. Join the course and you will know it, just like when you go to the doctor and he tells you."
"But the doctor gives me reasons, conducts tests and shows me results"
"Here you will experience, they will show you how to experience God"
"How will I experience God?"
"Now that is what they will tell you at the course".
Tell me? I find a contradiction here, but I rather not discuss as logic does not penetrate the skin of believers. How does someone show me how to experience god? Yes I will be told that I will experience something and I am supposed to experience it as God. Those who tell me have experienced that but how did they know it was God. They were told so by someone else!!!
Isn't it much like bringing a savage out of modern homes and letting him experience, say a TV. Tell him it is God and maybe he accepts.
And then how many experience it really, what validates the existence of that experience. How is it measured? What is the proof that everyone experienced it?

I remember an old story that I read long time back in Chanda Mama.(Yes I used to read it too)
"There was a villager whose nose got severed by accident. All villagers started hating him considering him a freak. But one day they all saw that he was happy and dancing in joy. All were confused, so they asked him finally. He told them, "I experienced pain and then I experienced God, when my nose got severed. God said that only the pure of heart experience it". And the village went berserk. It started with one villager getting his nose removed. He did experience pain, everyone knew as he was crying with it. But only he knew he didn't experience God. But his only thought was "I cannot be impure at heart" and so he told that he did experience God. And cited certain feelings he had. Soon the village was nose less. No one knows who all really experienced God, or did anyone ever did. Every one claimed it.
The only thing certain was that no one had a nose in that village and everyone had experienced the pain of it"

P.S: I am not against the existence of God. I worship, yes I do. Not because I believe in Gods in shapes and sizes that we see them. I "think" there is something, may it be man, matter, energy, dark energy, something that brought it all to what is here. That is my God. I go to temples, because that is just a way to remember that there is something that is causing it all to be. It just gives a perspective.

P.P.S: To be continued on how we are getting surpassed by believers. A retrospective of what "our culture" stood for. The breaking of basic fundamental on which the ground of belief is resting in the country of countless Gods.


Dat was gr8 bro.. If only v had more of askers world wud b a better place..

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