Still flowing, living and rebelling

The days are passing by and life is going on its usual routine. Though in such circumstances it appears that there is nothing worthwhile to note down in words, still to be true to oneself, its really these days, when all anxieties are ostracized, that are worth putting down.
All that goes on is not trifling, and am living to the heart's content. What can be better?
Though the pursuit that appears to have failed, keeps lingering and I know not to die out and not keep trying, its still the small moments that are counting these days. The moments when, though I make myself appear foolish, there's immense laughter around. And still some people ask why do I do this? I may say why not? I am aware of what I am and capable of then really nothing else matters. Or really does it not?
Well, being true, some things do matter and their pain lingers. But am always comorted by the knowledge that everything happens in its time when I know that my way is correct and so are my desires.
And then comes some moments when it appears that you contradict some well established rules, as it really happened, but why should one abstain from expressing one self, and that too when one knows what one is talking about. Though the views may differ from what is set in our minds since eons, but then is it really necessary to follow the path of the moon around the earth. And even it will eventually succumb to eccentricity one day or other. Then when no rules are eternal, why should I not make my own, and more importantly why should I not express them openly. Just because I dont want to be relegated as a rebel? That does not seem to be a reason enough when the perspective that I set appears to be better and bigger than what exists.
Here is what it is as presented earlier in a discussion (and I may contradict it one day if I find some better perspective, completely original for sure)
  1. The biggest mistakes are made when we consider matters of heart by mind and vice versa
  2. I ought to keep my eyes open to all thats happening around me and be rational in its analysis as those are real things, but listen to my heart regarding things that are not happening.
  3. I should strive to make things go as I wish them to, no matter how hard it may be but if I am correct I should not falter.
  4. FRIENDSHIP: Its a ship that shall never sink. No matter what happens, once I have a friend that bond can never break from my side. And if the net still holds from one end itis bound to catch the other end one day or other. Thats the law of probability that I learnt in Physics and that refutes that anything is impossible. There is ultimate devotion to it and it needs no more.
  5. LOVE: There is not two different kinds of love. Its all the same and is a matter of heart. I should not let mind enter this teritory. And it knows no bounds
  6. MARRIAGE: This is a reality. And so mind should decide. Though its true that LOVE is a necessary requirement for this, still it doesnot prevent one from loving others, and its not necessary (and not even possible hahaha) to marry all that one loves.
  7. ***: thats a carnal issue. An impulse that just is and there does not appear any reason for considering it in correct when all are to fall for it one day or other. All that I rationally believe is that nothing is wrong until it brings pain or guilt to someone or myself.


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