थोड़ी सी खुशबू बौरायी सी मस्त पवन की

कभी कभी यूं हो जाता है ....

The day was fresh with the last day's downpour. And then suddenly certain things happen which appear trivial normally and go un noticed otherwise, but today as was driving along the road to this "work ground" the scent of wet earth tickled the memories and nostalgia set in.....

Its been similar days when we used to have so much fun as children, coming to our hometown was always joy during those days as now. And what more, with all brothers and sisters together it was one heck of a life. How clearly do I remember our gang leader, Kukku didi, who once encouraged both of us brothers to come over with her to Nainital while she was living there in a hostel and how we pleaded in front of our mothers and how emphatically they refused for how could they leave us alone, and now that same gang leader a "mother" by herself. Though she hasn't changed a bit with regard to us, still wonder what her reaction might be in such situation...

And now the one who could'nt be sent once to Nainital has grown to be able to travel to Nainital daily, and is now living miles away from home.....

And nostalgia sets in...


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