Another Independence day... I wish we think before we act

मन समर्पित, तन समर्पित
और यह जीवन समर्पित
चाहता हूँ देश की धरती तुझे कुछ और भी दूं!!!

Had been thinking of writing a blog post on the day of our Independence but there were too many thoughts in the mind that it was too difficult to pen down one.
With the advent of social media and with almost all of the educated, semi educated and literate youth on social networking sites, it has become quite to easy to congratulate each other on our Independence day and show ourselves that we belong. And to carry on with this pretense a lot happens without thought, without assessing credibility of information. An immense contribution from preconceived notions of a few, a mere desire of many to flow with the currents and then those few who have an obsessive compulsive disorder of posting everything without a thought.
This all was fine with me until recently when it started encroaching upon my belief system that stands on one single ground of "thought".
Ever since Anna has taken up the cudgels to single handedly cleanse India of all corruption, it seems like all social networking world has tied itself up with him and his desire for the ombudsman. And then everyone wants all that INR in black money back, and now to top it all up people have started posting desperate, dull and melancholic messages on this Independence day. Come on it's a great day, why can't we enjoy it like warriors who enjoy even at the face of imminent defeat and death.

As for those who wish for deliverance from Anna, here is some food for thought if they can think:
1. On Lokpal and the fight to vest it for more power: I would not repeat what I had said earlier. Refer here: A country of old men
But there is more. Everyone is against our ruling party, not that I support it either. But lamenting and criticizing has never achieved anything nor will. We all came to know of Lokpal, so here is some more GK for everyone. There exists an option called no confidence motion. If we are not satisfied, why can't we just get our representatives to bring forth the motion? The entire democracy in our country is a chain of command and we are at the bottom, in huge numbers. We just bring forth our grievances to our immediate leaders and they take it further up and that's how it works.
2. The counter statement on above suggestion comes as "the lowest rung of leaders themselves" do not listen to us. Well that might be possible because few of us made bad choices and elected those who we should not have. But then, can this mistake be made such that majority of those who we elected do not listen to us. If so, we better think how we made such a blatlant mistake in the first place.
3. And that brings us to the counter statement that we are being ruled by criminals who force us to elect them. Oh!! What lambs we are that we pave the road to our own slaughterhouse. But if we are so weak that we can be forced to elect the bad, then how come we are finding such strength to oppose the same criminals now? Or is that strength just a farce for we sit behind our screens. Or does that strength comes from the "Gandhian" form of protest under an old Gandhian man, for we just don't have the courage to fight a criminal. But now that we have this strength, howsoever it may be, why 
a) ask for stringent laws against corruption and criminal politics from those who we do not trust and believe in
b) force a no confidence motion. Get a revamped legislature and remove the corrupt and criminal. And then have the new legislative system where again we find our strength and not elect the criminals and then get it to make laws against corruption. Who would need a fight then, it would be quite smooth walk from there?
4. Those who are posting on social networking sites should consider the credibility of the information they are posting. The reason being that social networking has made information readily available and easily disseminable. A lot of people who do not understand fiscal policy, the meaning of liquidity, inflation, lending rates, cash reserve ratio etc. are posting about getting all that huge amount of alleged black money back from Swiss accounts. And then there would be another mob crying around on the roads. And who constitutes this mob? No not my Facebook friends, no not the IIM Finance grads, but mostly the people who have heard that somewhere on something called Twitter someone has posted that:
If all the black money comes back to India, then: There will be a lot of money in the country and we will be all rich.
And he wishes to be rich.
But here all I wish for is the same fervor that I used to witness when I was in school, on our Independence day.


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