Bluff and happiness... a physical perspective

Although I don't quite have any liking for gore, still sometimes wishing for a chill in the spine I surf over to Ranjit K. Nair's blogs on infy network...
This one was about a cop who had made himself emotionless by believing in emotions as simple electrical and chemical changes, still when confronted with imminent death, even he was broken...
The story was written with simple motive of entertainment using the channel of human lust for his hidden animal instincts, still there was more to it what I saw...
Relating this to a chapter in Richard Bach's Illusions, where the messiah tells the writer that all life is simply bluff, simply like a motion picture and that if we rise above that there can be no pain, sorrow etc. Similar are the teachings of many of our scriptures, which teach us to rise above what's mundane.
Well appears that the cop in Ranjit's story was nowhere less than some great seer of olden times to have controlled his emotions and his path appears too very much easier, relegating all thoughts as a trick of brain....
Still is that what we are here for? Been a sworn believer of greatness of human kind over all other life forms I wonder if our brain is so tricky and these chemical reactions are what cause us pain and sorrow and happiness alike then guess what do we have over animals that make us greater? If its not our brain then guess its nothing for without it we are but vegetable.
Controlling emotions, feelings and living a life with ideas, unfeeling like a carrot, if that's life then what life will that be?
Yes its a bluff...Being a major in physics, I ardently believe everything can be described in equations, everything has a reason and I always strive to find one, still feeling is what I do to be human (and not computer for if i feed equations and initial results, comps give a fair good result into future and that's not palmistry or astrology, that is pure science)...
Bluff... yes it all is when I keep a promise(and break some in another world), like someone (and hate her in another universe), be a software engineer(and a fighter pilot in another), tell someone that we shall be together for ever, as I know in this space time we exist but in another space time I might have never even met her (well surely it can be him too in another space time as there I might be a gal or a dog a dinosaur or even a dead man in his coffin at this instant)...
Considering things in purely physical terms as I always do (thanks to General theory and quantum mechanics to have made me so bonkers) I love the idea of there being as many universe as there are probability of something happening (or not happening), that makes me believe that whatever that's not happening in my life to my order is happening to my life the way I want it to in some other universe...Well so I may really raise myself to feel what I may be feeling there (and wish I had some way of connecting with my other self there) and have eternal joy without giving in to being a carrot... Yippee.. I have the best of both worlds (or should I say best of N worlds of at least 4N dimensions)

P.S.: Yet all these theories can be false (these are quite like god whom some believe in still no one has known for true)... and can all be another bluff... yet one thing that holds is no matter what, every thing has a reason, we just need to look...


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