Bluff and happiness... a physical perspective
Although I don't quite have any liking for gore, still sometimes wishing for a chill in the spine I surf over to Ranjit K. Nair's blogs on infy network... This one was about a cop who had made himself emotionless by believing in emotions as simple electrical and chemical changes, still when confronted with imminent death, even he was broken... The story was written with simple motive of entertainment using the channel of human lust for his hidden animal instincts, still there was more to it what I saw... Relating this to a chapter in Richard Bach's Illusions, where the messiah tells the writer that all life is simply bluff, simply like a motion picture and that if we rise above that there can be no pain, sorrow etc. Similar are the teachings of many of our scriptures, which teach us to rise above what's mundane. Well appears that the cop in Ranjit's story was nowhere less than some great seer of olden times to have controlled his emotions and his path appears too...